
The protagonist of the series is the lecherous Satonaka Ikkou, who transforms into a super-monk (being able to perform mass exorcisms) by his lust for the girls he live with. He lives in the Saien Temple as a Buddhist priest in training with six other nuns: Amanogawa Haruka, Ikuina Sumi, sisters Sugai Sakura amp Hinata, Nambu Chitose and Atouda Yuuko, each of whom represents one of the bosatsu of the six lower realms of the traditional Buddhist cosmology. Chitose is the other main character and has a strange relationship with Ikkou he seems to be in all the wrong places at all the wrong times, but they really care for each other in all actuality. A side effect of Ikkou using his ultim

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by SOGABE Toshinori published by Wani Books



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